Splatoon 3 Cast
I do not have self control when it comes to Splatoon. You can imagine how excited I was when the third game was announced, NOT because I would get to play it (although that was a big reason) but because I'd get to create so many new OCs.
Planchette and Switchblade
Some characters I cooked up for a high school illustration assignment. They're a psychic and an occultist who are roommates who do platonic roommate things like fistfighting demons behind Denny's.
Pumpkin Character Sheet
The 2023 updated version of my persona, Pumpkin. She got a cool new coat!
Vix & Bol
Some characters I made sometime after I discovered and subsequently became absolutely enthraled by Joel G's ENA. I'm sure those who are familiar with her can easily see the inspiration. They originally were going to be like Garnet from Steven Universe and had a fused form but I grew to enjoy them more as seperate characters.