The Unwanted Child
This story may only be a handful of months old but damn it has burrowed into my brain and will not go away.
Madoka Reference
Lately I've been reflecting on how close I hold my OCs to my chest for fear of 'spoiling' their stories, and Revery is a prime example of that. Part of me thinks I should just throw my hands up and have fun with it since I'm not even sure her world will get fully realized when I have other projects taking up my time.
For now, they will do the Sailor Moon pose, and I will put a Madoka reference in the caption.
Pretty Princess!
Been struggling to think of ideas lately and realized that thinking of fun OC scenarios is helping. I really enjoy the thought of Soapie wanting to be an adorable little princess for Halloween, and of course Stan has to help her shine hehe. It's been a while since I made anything for these two, I love how wholesome they are.
Aliens from Outer Space!
Had a fun idea to dress these two up in radically different alien costumes in celebration of the spooky season. I imagine Cindy had the idea of doing a duo costume but then Sass hijacked it to dress like the Xenomorph from Alien.
They slay together either way though, friendship goals.
Extra 1 - Extra 2
Got Cash?
These darn computer viruses keep freezing my PC.
Ms. Macabre you're needed in the mailroom
First time touching my Psychonauts intern oc in a few years. Not entirely happy with this one, I might redo it at some point.
Day Nines
Third year of drawing Nines for day 9! I kind of accidentally cooked with this one? Really happy with how the shading and the expression came out. I hope the emotion is as clear as I think it is!
Wow it's them!
The iconic Ramager characters that absolutely no one remembers because they're from 2017. I really miss these two actually, they had a fun dynamic. I might dust them off at some point in the future.
Host & Parasite
Little experiment, wanted to explore some lore for Patch.
Local Eel Takes a Dip
Day 4 DLC: Hunder! I was really happy to finish the original vision, but I also wanted to make the original elements different enough that I could justify posting the same drawing twice, so I switched up the lighting to show their bioluminescence.
This piece was a bit rushed because a) It was a school night, and b) I wanted the scope to be larger than I had the time for. I decided that I would concentrate on the parts I'd fleshed out and then add something on for day 5.
There's Three of Us!
Return of the triplets! Their vibes are so fun to me, I wanted to draw them doing something silly.
Been a hot minute since I drew the sisters. Fun to revisit them! School has me beat haha so I felt like drawing them all eepy.
Here we go again, hard to believe this is the fifth year I'm doing Inktober wow. Starting out with Blinkey this year!